What is MicroSchool?

Great Question…we are happy to answer!

Microschools are innovative, small learning environments. Interestingly, Microschools are not exactly a new model—many are updated versions of the one-room schoolhouses that dotted the American prairies of the latter half of the 19th century. The ELC Microschool is designed to embrace an active partnership with families in their child’s educational trajectory. ELC educators utilize multiple curriculums that encompass both multiple-ages and academic levels. ELC Microschool is able to individualize your child’s curriculum to meet their needs and help facilitate life-long learners and leaders. Studies have shown that multi-age and stage classrooms provide opportunities for children to not only learn from each other, but also step into leadership roles. This classroom is focused on an active-learner paradigm for instruction.

Visit the MicroSchool Program page.

Want to know MORE?

Contact Christine Armstrong, ELC Director for a free consultation.