Age: 4 years old as of September 1st
In our pre-kindergarten program, experiences are provided that meet children’s needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas: spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and social. The four-year-olds learn and experience the Christian faith through a variety of planned activities.
Our goal is to prepare your child for kindergarten. Through structured learning activities, your child is introduced to letters of the alphabet and their sounds, writing skills, and math concepts. Your child’s physical development is nurtured through large and small motor activities, which in turn, fosters their pre-reading skills. Helping your child develop independence and social awareness are important parts of our program. These skills are taught in a positive, loving environment that builds self- esteem needed for your child’s success. Children must be bowel and bladder trained.
Days and Times
Monday through Friday
9:00 am—2:00 pm
Extended Day Options Available*
Registration/Supply Fee
Monthly Tuition
(Tuition payments cover 9 months from Aug - April)
M/W/F - $450.00
T/Th - $340.00
M - F - $575.00
Extended Day Options Available*
*Extended Day Option
7:30 – 9:00 am - $50 per day/per month
2:00 – 5:30 pm - $100 per day/per month
If families choose both before/after extended day all 5 days, the cost is $500 per month.
Parents must sign up for a month at a time.
Stay & Play
Tuesday and/or Wednesdays
2:00 - 3:30 pm
$40.00 for one day / $80 for both